Procedures We keep all of the nursery’s policies and procedures in a folder in the office, these are updated on a regular basis.
Parents are asked to read these during settling in sessions and copies are available via email or hard copy. If you have any questions please contact us so we can help you.
Meal Times All children’s dietary needs are taken into consideration when planning our weekly menu. A vegetarian alternative is always available, as is specific requirements, for example allergies or religion.
The nursery has set meal and snack times during the day for the children to help them establish a healthy routine to feel safe and secure.
Positive behaviour At Headstart 2 children are encouraged to respect the needs of others and to develop self-discipline. They are praised for their achievements and discouraged from unwanted behaviour.
When a child needs to be corrected, staff explain the situation and why it is not acceptable behaviour and then encourage the child/children into a more positive activity. We have a Positive Behaviour Policy which all staff are aware of and follow.
Learning Journey Each child has a learning journey. This is a folder which contains observations, work and achievements, next steps in their learning and profiles. Both the parent and child has access to their learning journey and can add things that they have experienced and achieved out of nursery.
The child’s key person will primarily complete the learning journey following the child’s development with observations and next steps. The key person and manager will liaise with outside agencies if they feel the child will benefit from an outside professional guidance and support in area’s regarding speech and language or behaviour and any other special need.
The learning journey is the property of the parents and child and is given to them upon leaving the setting.